The ORTEC business unit of AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology has introduced the latest addition to the ORTEC Detective family of hand-held nuclide identifiersthe Detective-EX-100. This latest addition offers a significant improvement in sensitivity over the entire energy range used in nuclear material interdiction. The Detective-EX-100 incorporates a substantially larger high-purity Germanium crystal detector than earlier versions, providing the Detective-EX-100 with increased sensitivity and improved low-energy efficiency. The result is faster identification of suspicious materials without any loss in accuracy. The Detective-EX-100 is about two times faster than the Detective-EX in identifying low-energy radiation emitters (including highly enriched Uranium) and about three times faster in identifying medium- to high-energy emitters, such as Plutonium or naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs), such as porcelain fixtures, kitty litter and ceramic tile.